miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Sigues aquí

Como de costumbre me despierta tu mensaje diciéndome que me amas, pero ya no me alegra como antes saber que soy tu primer pensamiento, me quiebro y se parte en mil mi corazón que atrincherado en mi pecho palpita con desgano desde que te dije adiós... No sé si tu insistencia es cobardía disfrazada de persistencia ante el miedo de quedar solo y saber que no estaré ahí para ti, que no seré quien escuche tus sueños, tus locuras, tus ideas por cambiar al mundo y que te apoye de forma incondicional. Simplemente me fui, y lo peor es que me fui amándote, amando tu existir...

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Before you say I do!

Marriage?? A word that is not in the mind of everybody, but also exist those who want to tie the knot, and are them who have  many concerns that need to be taken care of before say I do, and that´s why the prenuptial agreement exi, which is a kind of contract where the couple´s expectations are written in orden to avoid certain kind of problems related with money, properties, children or any other good getting in the marriage. I consider that a prenuptial agreement is a good way to establish since the begining what I want and what i do expect from my spouse, and in case of a divorce, I´ll already know what would be mine =)

Voluntary simplicity

Have ever passed through your mind the idea of starting a homesteady life? I don´t know about your, but it´s has never go through my mind! And I don´t think this is insane, it´s just that my consumption habits are not design for that way of living. 
Actually, I am pretty respectful for those who are self sufficient by doing thing by themselves and take advantage of all the natural resouces around them to produce what they need to live! 
We should learn of these people and be more responsable for our actions and how they affect our world

The art of storytelling

To tell a story is not as simple as it seems to be, for me,  be a good storyteller requieres creativity and the willing of  learning some useful tecniques in order to transmit the feelings and emotions that you want to give to your audience!
All the tecniques can change according to the purpose, for example, if I want to scare the audience I can start talking slowly and softly and suddenly scream out.
Next time that you´ll have to tell a story, have these tecniques in mind and you´ll see how characters come alive and your audience won´t get bored!

Culture and commerce

To describe our country I will need to say that it´s plenty of nature, beautiful places and amazing sights, we are wealthy in natural resources and full of friendly people. A lot of people here recognize that and make a living from tourism, which is an important income for our economy. Families from all over the country have the possibility to take tourists to different attractions, where they can experienced the wide variety of flora and fauna that we have. No matter how tiny we are as country, we are always able to show the most important part of our culture and happy to share our traditions!

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Endurance Test

I love extreme sports, but they are risky, maybe that´s what make them interesting for me hahaha!I have practiced some few of them, like white water rafting, rappel, skydiving and I have run half marathons. All of them are different and even their stages show unique caracteristics. But at the end, each one will give the experience and satisfaction that you looked forward. I consider that not matter which sport you practice, what make you succeed is your determination and discipline about what you are doing! I really encourage you to practice whichever you prefer or join a team, that way you won´t get bored ;), I assure you that you going to have a great experience!

Advertising on the Air

 Why do most  Coke commercials are so catchy? I have no answer for that, but I have to admit that behind that company there are people who create commercials that really get our attention and make us believe that every drop contained in that bottle with make us happier. Then, I have to say that they use an emotion appeal and specific techniques such a sound effect, happy and smily people having fun and spending time together and all of them, sharing a coke! 
I just love Coke advertisements!